Category Archives: Greece

Impressions and feelings from Patra

policepatratrucksPatra is about refugees. We need to go to Patra to enter Italy. For us Patra is very difficult and very dangerous because there is a lot police. The police is a big problem. We try to hide inside the trucks to get inside the ferry to Italy. If the police find us they will beat us , also the drivers. They will ask about our papers. If you don t have they take you to prison, sometimes for more than 3 month. They don t care if we are under-age.

Jawad’s Reise

Hallo ich bin Jawad und ich wohne seit dreieinhalb Jahren in Hamburg. Ich komme aus Afghanistan und ich möchte meine Geschichte erzählen wie ich nach Hamburg gekommen bin. Es ist eine lange Geschichte. Dass ich von meinem Land weggegangen bin war nicht meine Entscheidung. Und es war auch nicht meine Entscheidung dass ich in diesem Land geboren wurde.

Als ich vier Jahre alt war musste ich mit meinen Eltern mein Dorf und Land wegen dem Krieg in Afghanistan verlassen. Wir sind in den Iran geflüchtet. Im Iran war die Situation für Flüchtlinge aus Afghanistan nicht gut. Wir bekamen ein Papier um nur kurzfristig da zu leben. Wir durften nicht zur Schule gehen, nicht arbeiten und nicht etwas in unserem Namen kaufen. Sie machten so viel Druck auf uns damit wir so schnell wie möglich wieder zurück gehen. Wenn sie uns auf der Straße sahen wurden wir immer kontrolliert und es ist auch oft passiert dass Männer wenn sie von der Arbeit kamen festgenommen und abgeschoben wurden. In Maschat an der Grenze gab es ein Konzentrationslager für Afghanische Flüchtlige. Es gab kein Essen, nur ganz viel Folter. Ich war nicht in diesem Lager aber meine Freunde haben mir davon erzählt. Sie standen den ganzen Tag in der Sonne oder im Winter in der Kälte, sie mussten Zwangsarbeit machen, manchmal wenn sie rausfanden dass man das zweite Mal im Iran war wurden sie gefoltert. Fast alle die das Lager verlassen konnten wurdern psychisch krank und dann wurden sie nach Afghanistan abgeschoben. Immernoch heute werden Leute an der Grenze von Soldaten erschossen, viele haben Angst davor und fliehen nicht mehr in den Iran.
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As I tried to go to Italy…

I was in Patra. to go to Italy but I did not have money. I was compelled to go under the truck. Twice I dried and then the police found me but I was able to escaped. The two police men followed me, suddenly a third police men appeared in front of me. He beat me and I lost consciousness. When I woke up again they had already handcuffed me. They asked me for me paper. They took me to the toilet and the four police beat me so much that I was unable to walk. My body became black and white, I had no money to go to hospital, i had no one to help me.

Since one year half i am in Greece.

One day I was in park in Athens

I was sitting in a park in Athen , the police came to me, ask me about my paper, I gave it to them. The police took me paper, although there was no problem with my paper they scrunched it up. He told me to open my mouth. I opened my mouth and then he insert the paper to my mouth, they pressed into my mouth. and then he hit me with a stick and with his foot. He threatened me , when he see me again he will handcuff me and take me to the prison.

Thank god we had money!

I am 14 years old and my brother is 15. We are in know in Germany. We left Afghanistan some time ago. We went to Iran. There we met someone who brought us to Turkey. It took as two days to get there. From there we went to Lesvos with a small boat. We spent some time in Athen, waiting for our older brother to come and help us to get to Germany. Finally we arrived. All together we had to pay 19 000 € to get here. We are learning German know. Maybe one day we will have Asyl, then we will learn a profession. We are happy know because we got a real chance to have a Future.

Unfriendly life

Far from future and a stranger in Europe. We came to Iran and enjoyed being there. I saw the people and their places and all their things. Not only for me, but for every Afghan person their places were good, but most of the Iranian people were not good with Afghan people. Especially the police of Iran, they always wanted to arrest afghan refugees because they did not have other reason.

Continue reading Unfriendly life

In the name of ALLAH

I am 17 years old. I was born in Iran. but I am from Afghanistan, I have four brothers in Iran. I don’t have sister. We came to Greece in 2008. We are refugees in Greece but we are in bad condition in Greece. We don’t have Future in Greece. But we pass our life very hard. We should leave this place. But we should speak with Agent. We want to go to another country. We don’t want to stay here. Because we don’t have rights here.  So what shall we do here? We don’t have good feeling here. Judgment comes from  experience and experience comes from bad judgment. Peace begins with a smile. But we don’t have Peace and also we don’t have a smile. Why don’t we have asylum? We should go to Italy or Finland. I wish to go to Finland.