All posts by pirx

I am always smiling, but inside I cry.

My Father worked in the force in Afghanistan. He had a better life. Two of my brothers finished University. One of them was electrician the other was psychologist. At that time, nobody could go to university because it was expensive.

We had a good life …until the war started. Every day the war got worse, it was very hart in Kabul.

Some people were locking for my father. They said, they will kill him. Because of that we decided to go to Gazni-City. Because of my father they arrested two of my uncles, they tortured them. They tock all of our homes. My father was unemployed then. Before, my father had always helped all of my uncles and our friends, now they helped him. We started a farm and bought two cows. Like that we started our life new. At that time our life took a looping. One of my brothers, from a neighbour-country, he lived in. he said that he was worried about us. He wanted us to go with him to the other country. My father didn’t accept. He called us a lot, he was very afraid for us. After one year he came again. Two times he came to ask us to come with him, finally we had to go with him.

We left in the middle of the night. We were afraid people want not understand.

Continue reading I am always smiling, but inside I cry.

Dream of a bright future

perspectiveIsolation?!From the beginning until now, I told lies to everyone, nobody knows the reality. I had a good life in my childhood. But than bud luck started. I lost my parents and stayed with my uncle. He started a bad manner with me, he has beaten me and always screaming at me. One year I have stayed with my uncle, then I went to Iran. I was working just to have enough money for food. Until the age of 14 I was in Iran. It was difficult, I could not study nor educate my self in any way.

I made a plan.

Continue reading Dream of a bright future

Five or six time they have taken my fingerprints

Any time they stop me they took me to prison for one or two weeks
Take the fingerprints ,I don’t know why. Now I have five or six papers. I have fingerprints in Mytilini, Patra , airport….

I stayed in Patra for 8 months! I tried every day! Florina near the border and Thessalioniki I have five or six fingerprints unfortunately.

They kept us about one two weeks then let us. They told me you have to go to your country to Afghanista. In told them i spend 4 or 5 thousand Euro to escape why I should go back? I cant.

In Florina we where there to go to Serbia after Hungary but they persuade us to sign a paper that shows that they are going to deport us to Afghanistan ,they told me if you are not going to sign it we are going to keep you here for one year (in prison in Florina).
Unfortunately I dont have a copy of this paper.

The paper was in persian language. It was saying that we want them to deport us to Afghanistan,our photograph, our name.
They told us they send it to Belgium to the embassy they are going to make us a passport and deport ourselves. That was 8-9 months ago.
I am in Athens sinse a long time, a friend of mine just arrieved…

Impressions and feelings from Patra

policepatratrucksPatra is about refugees. We need to go to Patra to enter Italy. For us Patra is very difficult and very dangerous because there is a lot police. The police is a big problem. We try to hide inside the trucks to get inside the ferry to Italy. If the police find us they will beat us , also the drivers. They will ask about our papers. If you don t have they take you to prison, sometimes for more than 3 month. They don t care if we are under-age.


There is a reason why we camed to europa, we didnt leave for fun!!!

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  • When will they give rights to the refugees?
  • What do you mean by refugee, what does that even mean?
  • What is the right of refugees?

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