I met a young men ones, we talked. He asked me what I wish for my life. He note me name in his notebook. He told me it is his secret book. One day I will find your name on a book in a bookstore. I will remember I met this boy far in the past who wanted to be a god writer.
All posts by pirx
I want to be a bird …
… to fly everywhere. To build a nest and every day I fly whereever I want.It would be a cheerful life. Birds don’t have nation they don’t have borders.
About peace in Afghanistan
Afghanistan is our country. It is the best, everyone loves his country. Country is like a mother because it is where I was born. I want peace in our country. For that we need help of other countries.
How should we build our country? We can not get a job it is not peace. America cant keep peace because they don’t aim to.
Our main request is human rights. Especally in Afghanistan. Every where we have a life like slaves. We can’t do anything nowhere!!!
I wish to live in a peace and happy place
The main problem is I have three sisters and one brother. Our parents died. Because of the war we lost our parents. We couldn’t our life in peace. We would love to study bu we were stooped. I decided to go to a Europe country.
The first thing that comes in my mind when I thing about Greece it is no place that can help us or solve our problems.
From my point of view there is no border for human beings because we are human. From three month that we are crossing the borders we did not smile because we are anxious for crossing the border. Whenever we go somewhere people look at us like we are criminals or have bad manners.
If I would life with complete freedom in a world without borders … I want to live my life as a normal human being like a European. I want to study and step up to a good position. It is not my fault that I am from Afghanistan. From childhood till now we spent our lives in sadness.
If I would be an animal I would be a bird so I can fly somewhere to a very peace and happy place.
I came to Europe out of craziness
My story is a bit different. I came to Europe out of craziness.
My mother dies 9 years ago. I studies in school until 9 grade. My father married again. We are two brothers. My brother is in Afghanistan and I am here. I fall in love with the daughter of my uncle. They are living in Germany and one time they have visited us in Afghanistan. They knew that my mother died and they always loved me very much. Also for 14 years my father and uncle did not talk to each other. They had a fight about something small they couldn’t even remember. So I saw my cousin. They took me for walks and Ii fall in love. But my parents didn’t agree. My stepmother is never on my side. I talked to my cousin and told her “ I love you!. She ask me how it is possible. That our parents would never agree. Also we are from different environments our liefs are apart like heaven and earth. After one month the left back to Germany.
When they left I got lovesick.
Continue reading I came to Europe out of craziness
About underaged refugees in Paris
Found a post about unaccompanied minor refugees living in the streets of Paris:
We sleep under the bridge of the canal; at 7am the police come and wake us up. They put lights on your eyes and stand above us and they bring fire station water to put out our fire. We used to sleep in the park, but the police guard the park and won’t let us in after sundown now.
Continue reading the hole article.
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My mothers dream was …

This question should be asked from my father and Mather, that they gave birth to me in Iran-
The days go spend but so hard.
For somebody good, and certainly for a lot of people so BAD in every point of view. (Corporeal, spiritual)
My aim was, I found my future in a country that I love. (Sweeden, Finland,”Germany”)
But now, with all the that I struggle had to put out to achieve my dreams, unfortunately I lost it.
And I continue my life with the dream of that lovely country.
But I am not hopeless, and I’m thinking with my whole body the bright future in a darkness city.
I will shot an arrow to the darkness maybe it have an accident to goal.
And I believe it, If I want with all my endeavors I can be succeed.
I never be hopeless…
I want to be a email …
If I send an e-mail from Greece to Germany it will arrive within seconds. How much I would like to be send in an email, wouldn’t that be great? Do you think I fit into the computer so that you can send me too?
Beneath a ton of newspapers to europe
There is a border in Greece, where ships are leaving to Italy.
There are about 10 or 11 traffickers, they have a lot of passengers. The traffickers have small houses or rooms where they put the “passengers”. In one room they put 10 or 15 people. There is no water and its not clean. In one week a lot of passengers come and go. They wait for the day the ship is ready to go. Then, the traffickers decide to put the passengers inside the trucks. I was one of the passengers. One night in midnight the trafficker told me and my friends and put us into the truck. It was full of magazine and newspaper.
We vanished inside the newspapers.
To get us under the newspaper they had to put a lot of them outside, put us in the hole and the newspaper above. I had to hold the newspapers above me, they were very heavy, it was difficult. My hands got very tired. We did all kind of things like this. From 3 o’clock in the morning till 6 o’clock in the afternoon, I sad crumpled together, I couldn’t move. For 14 hours I couldn’t move, without any voice. Continue reading Beneath a ton of newspapers to europe
Poem by me, …
…. the crazy boy
It’s very difficult that you stare gaze in the eyes of someone that she steal all of your love.
And in the place of that she gave you a wound “sore” in your heart as a gift. And in the place of that
you became full of hatred. You feel that you still love her.
It’s very difficult. You want to leave your head on a wall, that one time all of your body is crushed under the falling debris of it.
It is very difficult that you talk with her for hours, in your imagination. But when you see her … you can’t say anything, only “Hi”. It’s very difficult when your back is in front of her. And the tears wet your cheek. But you are compelled to laugh, till she don’t understand your love her.
It’s very difficult you see the flower of your wishes in another garden. Then, you break in your inside … then you say very quietly: My flower, I wish you happy in your new garden.