Tag Archives: waiting area

My first time in Mytilini

It is my first time in Mytilene. My friend Selinia told me to come to be part of the gathering. They have relations to CCR and nothing to do with the government. I was very happy when she asked me to come here as I will make new friends and because I will get to see the island that I have heard is very nice. It was the opportunity to leave Athens, a city that is packed with racism and problems with the police.

When the ferry was on its way to Mytilene I swam with my thoughts. I thought how nice the island will be. But suddenly, when we arrived in Mytilene, the police disturbed us at the exit of the ferry. And all the thoughts that I had disappeared. They controlled us. We are not criminals, the only problem is that we are refugees. There is a law here in Mytilene that refugees are being kept until they can prove that they are free to go. Here the rule that one is innocent until proven guilty never exists. In this country it is normal to treat refugees badly because there are no controls of those who do bad things to refugees. These forms of racist behavior against us are similar to those that we have experienced in our country, they only wear different clothes now!

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Now on Mytilene I hope that we can help the people here who are going through that what I had experienced myself.

fearsIch bin Arash, ich komme aus Afghanistan und momentan lebe ich in Kiel in Deutschland. In 2006 bin ich nach Europa gekommen und am 16. Oktober 2006 war ich auf Mitilini. Zweieinhalb Tage war ich in Pagani und danach bin ich nach Athen mit der Fähre gefahren. Dort war ich zwei Tage und ich hatte keinen Schlafplatz. Ich musste im Alexander Park schlafen. Danach bin ich nach Patras gefahren und wollte weg. Zwei Wochen lang habe ich versucht weg zu kommen aber habe es leider nicht geschafft. Dann habe ich entschieden nach Athen zurück zu gehen.

I am Arash, I am from Afghanistan and I live in Kiel in Germany at the moment. I came to Europe in 2006, on the 16th of October I arrived on Mytilene. I stayed in the detention centre Pagani for two and a half days and then went to Athens by ferry. There I stayed for two days and had no place to sleep. I had to sleep in the Alexander Park. I then went to Patras and just wanted to leave. I tried for two weeks to leave but unfortunately it did not work. I decided to go back to Athens.

Continue reading Now on Mytilene I hope that we can help the people here who are going through that what I had experienced myself.

Das ist kein Leben!

Ich bin 17 Jahre alt. Ich lebe seit 10 Monaten in Deutschland. Ich komme aus Afghanistan. Sieben Jahre habe ich meine Familie nicht gesehen. Ich vermisse meine Familie sehr. Diese Geschichte erzählt von Griechenland. In Griechenland fühlen wir uns gefangen. Wir können nicht weiter, wir können nicht bleiben und wir können nicht zurück. Wir möchten ein gutes, sicheres Leben. In Griechenland gibt es keinen Sprachkurs und kein Zuhause. Wir können nicht arbeiten. Zum arbeiten brauchen wir ein Papier. Wir wissen nicht wie wir das Papier bekommen.

Weil wir nicht arbeiten können und kein Zuhause haben, müssen wir auf der Straße leben. In der Nacht kommen die Polizei und die Griechen und machen uns Probleme.

Es gibt viele Flüchtlinge die lange in Griechenland bleiben müssen. Das Leben dort ist sehr schwer. Das Leben dort ist kein Leben. Wir brauchen Hilfe, aber es gibt keine. Der Eine wohnt in Patras im „Jungle“ und kommt nicht weiter. Der andere schafft es auf das Boot nach Italien, aber wer weiß, was mit ihm passiert? Vielleicht wird er sterben, vielleicht wird er wieder nach Griechenland zurück geschickt.
Continue reading Das ist kein Leben!

What I think of most …

One day I was sitting home and thinking. What should I do? I decided I have to go to Europe. I told my father about my decision. He said it is my life and my decision. He said he would support me as much as possible. His money was just enough for me to reach this country. I left my home 8 months ago. My uncle is in Enlgand. He promised to help me arrive there. Now he does not answer his phone and I don’t know what to do. I have no money left. For amonth I was sleeping outside on the streets. In the night I walked around because it was very cold. During the day I slept for some hours. I am waiting for the call of my uncle. Why does he not call? The only thing I am thinking all the time is that I have to leave this country. I have to leave this country! If I cannot leave this country to another European country, I will return to my family in Iran. It doesn’t matter where I go, I just want to leave from here! I want to go to school again and I want asylum.

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